How to Avoid Nurse Burnout

A nurse with a lot of admin work to day

A nurse with a lot of admin work to day

Raise your hand if you have ever had a difficult day at work that causes you to rethink every decision you have ever made. Yes… we have all been there at one point or another. This happens especially in RN jobs as they are the backbone to our intricate healthcare system we have. With everything going on for the past few years, RNs have seen and dealt with some pretty intense situations. They are exhausted, tired, short staffed, and just over worked to say the least. So bad days are bound to happen occasionally. Long hours, lack of support and sleep, and working in a high stress environment are all factors that contribute to what we call nurse burnout. On order to stop this from happening to you, we’re giving you some tips to manage your workload and day to day life to cope with this irritating issue.

Take Care of #1

Number one meaning you. You are the only person who can make sure your mental and physical self is taken care of, so be sure to take time for yourself. I’m sure you have heard this time and time again, but there are simple things you can do to make sure you are taking time for yourself. Exercise, meditate, drink water, are the normal self-care regimens, but you can also pack your own food for work, do a self-care day, and wear compression socks while at work to take for of yourself.

Learn to Say “No”

Nurse burnout can happen when you take on too many responsibilities or feel an obligation to accept every task that is given to them. Most of us are guilty of doing this. Just learn to say “no” to things so you don’t take on more than you can handle.

Work for a Company you Enjoy

You need to be able to enjoy your company that you work for and have a good experience there. If for some reason you are having issues you should address them with your management team or look for a different company all together. Your happiness in your personal and work like matter, so be sure to be your own supporter in your happiness, always.

Seek Professional Help

At EmpowerCare we want you to know that seeking help is one of the bravest things you can do, and it will always put you on the road to recovery the fastest. There are so many different options when it comes to professional help, and you can decide what option works best for you and our needs.

Whatever you need to do to keep the nurse burnout away, make it a priority. RNs are the backbone that we all need in our lives, and we wouldn’t be able to function as a society without you doing what you do best. EmpowerCare can help you find the right facility that can keep you feeling happy and appreciated while providing you the benefits and schedule you need to keep it away or good.