Nursing Shortage Crisis: Meeting the Need for Skilled Nurses

The nursing shortage is a huge concern in the healthcare industry today. There aren’t enough skilled nurses to keep up with the increasing demand, which is causing issues in hospitals and clinics across the country. This affects patient care, healthcare delivery, and the overall function of medical facilities. In order to solve the shortage, it’s important to understand the factors contributing to this crisis and how to manage it, including the urgent need for registered nurse employment and more licensed practical nurse employment opportunities.


What Is the Nursing Shortage?

The nursing shortage is not a new phenomenon, but it has gotten worse in recent years. The population is getting older, which has caused an increase in chronic health conditions. On top of that, the COVID-19 pandemic added extra stress to the healthcare system. All of these factors have led to an increased demand for healthcare, but unfortunately the demand and supply of qualified nurses has not kept pace.

According to The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of registered nurses will grow by 6% from 2022 to 2032, adding nearly 195,000 jobs every year. However, even with this growth, many nursing jobs are still unfilled because there still aren’t enough qualified candidates. This problem is more pronounced in specialized fields and rural areas, where there is a high demand for nurse practitioner jobs.

How Does the Shortage Affect Us?

The shortage of nurses has a significant impact on patient care and the overall healthcare system. Hospitals and clinics are short-staffed, which means the nurses who are working have to take on more patients and longer shifts. This can lead to burnout and potentially compromise the quality of care that patients receive.

For nurses, this shortage creates both challenges and opportunities. Registered nurse jobs, nurse practitioner roles and licensed practical nurse positions are in high demand, leading to a lot of employment opportunities. However, this places increased pressure on healthcare workers, who often work long hours with tough conditions.

What Can We Do About It?

Solving the nursing shortage will require a multifaceted approach. This includes expanding nursing education, keeping experienced nurses in the workforce, and offering more flexible employment options, like remote nurse practitioner jobs. By focusing on these areas, the healthcare industry can start to fill the gap between supply and demand for skilled nursing staffing.

More Nursing Education: One of the primary solutions to fix the nursing shortage is to simply graduate more nurses. This can be achieved by increasing the number of nursing programs at schools, offering scholarships, financial aid and other incentives to encourage people to explore nursing.

Keeping Experienced Nurses: Retention is as crucial as recruitment. It’s just as important to keep experienced nurses as it is to hire new ones. Hospitals and clinics must create supportive work environments that prioritizes nurses well being and value. This could be by offering more competitive salaries, providing opportunities for career advancement and implementing programs and benefits to combat burnout and other workplace stressors.

Flexible Job Options: The growth of telehealth has created opportunities for remote nurse practitioner jobs. These jobs let nurse practitioners work from home, providing care through virtual consultations. This kind of flexibility can attract more people to the field and help keep current nurses who are looking for a better work-life balance.


The nursing shortage is a complex and serious challenge in healthcare today. By addressing the factors contributing to this shortage, we can start to meet the growing need for skilled nurses. It will take time, investment, and big decisions to close this gap in healthcare. The future depends on ensuring every patient receives the care they need.

EmpowerCare is actively helping address the nurse shortage by offering per diem and flexible shifts to nurses. This approach allows nurses to choose when they work, reducing burnout and improving work-life balance. These flexible options also support healthcare facilities in meeting patients’ needs. They are especially helpful during high demand.

For more information or to work with us at EmpowerCare – visit our website or view our job board.

5 Essential Habits to Make Night Shifts Easier and Keep You Energized

The night shift

Night shifts can be particularly demanding for nurses, often taking a toll on both physical health and job performance. The impact of these long hours is well-documented, with fatigue and stress being common challenges faced by those working through the night. However, by adopting a few simple habits, you can significantly reduce these effects and maintain your energy and focus throughout your shift. Whether you’re searching for rn nursing jobs, CNA jobs, or are already working with a healthcare agency like EmpowerCare, these tips can help you thrive on the night shift.

Stay Hydrated to Maintain Energy Levels

One of the most important habits you can develop, especially when working night shifts, is staying hydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, and reduced concentration, all of which can make an already tough shift even more challenging. To combat this, keep a water bottle with you at all times and take regular sips throughout your shift. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day, adjusting for your level of physical activity and the demands of your work environment.

Choose Healthy Snacks for Sustained Energy

Healthy snacking is another key to surviving night shifts with your energy levels intact. Instead of reaching for sugary snacks or caffeine, opt for foods that provide sustained energy, like nuts, fruits, and yogurt. These options are not only nutritious but also help avoid the sugar crash that often follows consuming high-sugar foods. Keeping healthy snacks on hand can prevent energy slumps and help you stay focused and alert during your shift, which is so important in nursing jobs.

An image of a healthy breakfast

Create a Calming Pre-Shift Routine

Starting your shift on the right foot can make a world of difference. Creating a calming pre-shift routine, such as engaging in light exercise, practicing meditation, or spending a few quiet moments to center yourself, can set a positive tone for the night ahead. These activities help reduce nurse stress, improve your focus, and ensure you begin your shift feeling relaxed and prepared for the demands of the job.

Benefits of Implementing Healthy Habits

Nurses who have integrated these habits into their routines report feeling more alert and less stressed during their shifts. According to a study published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, adopting healthy habits like staying hydrated, eating nutritious snacks, and establishing a pre-shift routine can significantly reduce fatigue and stress among night shift workers. This not only enhances your well-being but also enables you to provide better care for your patients.

Empowering Nurses for a Healthy Work Life

At EmpowerCare, we believe in empowering our nurses with practical advice and strategies to improve their work life. By incorporating these simple habits into your daily routine, you can make night shifts more manageable and ensure that you stay energized and focused throughout your shift. These tips are crucial for maintaining a healthy balance in your demanding career.


The Secret to a Stress-Free Nursing Shift: Your Morning Routine

A bright and welcoming image with a nurse waking up in the morning, stretching with a peaceful smile. The background shows a tidy room with morning sun

Discover How Simple Changes Can Empower Your Day

Are you an RN searching for a way to elevate your mornings and set the tone for a successful day?

Nursing is a noble profession, but it comes with unique challenges. Many sources have reported that nurses do not have optimal sleep schedules. Often because of long shifts at varying hours of the day, dealing with exhaustion, burnout and high levels of stress.

A morning routine to give yourself stability and routine every day can be a game changer for healthcare professionals. Nursing is a demanding profession, and starting your day off right can make all the difference. These 5 simple steps can positively impact your mindset in your personal and professional life.

Wake Up Your Body and Mind in 5 Minutes

Begin your day with gentle stretching and deep breathing. This simple practice can increase circulation, reduce stiffness, and mentally prepare you for the day ahead. As a nurse, staying physically ready is crucial, and this routine takes just five minutes.

Fuel Your Body

An image of a healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast is essential. Surprisingly, studies show that between 12% and 48% of nurses skip breakfast. Starting your day with a balanced meal rich in energy and protein will keep you alert and focused throughout your shift.


A picture of a journal.

Writing what you are grateful for can cultivate a positive mindset. Popular figures such as Jennifer Aniston, Oprah Winfrey, and Tony Robbins have all publicly promoted the benefits of journaling. Just a few minutes each morning can put you in a positive mindset and set the right tone for the day ahead. We know you might want to skip this step, but please give it a go – the benefits really are astounding.

Get Your Blood Flowing

A man going on a morning run down a dirt path.

Fitting in exercise when you work long shifts can be challenging. But something as easy as a 15 minute brisk walk or a quick circuit workout can significantly boost your mood. The benefits of exercise both mentally and physically can be so helpful for nurses on long shifts. It can even help regulate your sleep and enhance your focus, Even a short burst of exercise can make a huge difference.

Set Your Priorities

Nursing can be hectic, with constant changes and demands. Organizing your tasks and goals before your shift can reduce anxiety and help you stay focused. Setting your priorities in the morning ensures you feel ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Incorporating these simple habits into your morning routine can be the catalyst for a completely transformed day. We recommend creating a short morning routine checklist to ensure you start your day off right.

At EmpowerCare, we are here to support you finding the best healthcare roles. This includes everything from RN jobs to cna home health care jobs. We want to help you thrive in your career, and we think our simple morning habits can be a small part of that. If you’re looking for a new healthcare role, contact EmpowerCare healthcare staffing agency today.