The Importance of Networking in Healthcare

Team of healthcare professionals working together

Team of healthcare professionals working together

Networking is the process of making connections and building relationships with other people. Understanding the dual-sided nature of networking will help you advance in your career and personal life.


  • Networking involves giving and receiving. When networking, remember to find ways you can benefit others.
  • Developing a friendly and helpful disposition will make networking incredibly natural.
  • You can be compensated up to $750 for referrals to EmpowerCare.

We’ve all heard the adage:

“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”

Nothing is truer when it comes to advancing your nursing career. Any good salesperson will tell you that people prefer doing business with the people they know, like, and trust. 

The truth of the matter is, all people feel that way.

Get What You Want Through Reciprocity

Most articles that discuss networking focus on what’s in it for you. It’s true, there are personal benefits to networking:

  • Strengthen professional connections
  • Get fresh ideas on how to solve problems
  • Find new job opportunities
  • Get career advice

The best way to receive a benefit from networking is to first find a way to be of benefit to others. This is true because people are hardwired for reciprocity.

You can see how prevalent this is in religion and society, and even music.

Christians call it “sowing and reaping”. Hindus and Buddhists call it “karma”. We have sayings like “you’ll get what you deserve”, and songs like “You Get What You Give” (by The New Radicals) and “What Goes Around Comes Around” (by Justin Timberlake)

People tend to repay like for like. Do someone a favor, and they’ll want to do a favor for you. Do someone harm, and watch out—you likely have animosity headed your way.

What most people don’t realize is:

“If you fail to help other people, other people will fail to help you.”

You want to reap the benefits of networking? Then do for others what you want them to do for you.

Who Should You Network With?

When you hear the word networking, most people think of shaking hands with strangers in a crowded room at a networking event.

Your pre-existing relationships are a much better place to start. Consider your:

  • Former colleagues
  • Old friends
  • Previous bosses or charge supervisors
  • Alumni or classmates
  • Other volunteers (if you volunteer your time)

Remember, the key to receiving favors from people is to do one for them. The simple act of offering to do a favor will position you in their mind as a helpful and generous person.

You’re probably very busy, which means you’ve lost touch with some of the people above. No problem. Just reconnect! Reach out through text, social media, or give someone a quick phone call to check in and say hello.

Additional Places To Network

Outside of your pre-existing network, you can find like-minded people in many places.

Join some Facebook groups, and be helpful in them. Do the same on It’s highly probable you have the answer (or at least some insight) into questions your fellow nurses are asking there.

Seek out professional groups, or expand your network on LinkedIn. If you’re considering a travel assignment, ask people who already work there what the culture is like.

You should also attend events. An event may present itself as volunteer opportunities. Take advantage of that. You never know who you might wind up talking to while doing community service!

Breaking The Ice

The easiest way to break the ice with someone you know is to share a memory you have of them.

It feels so good when a friend reaches out to share a memory they have of you. It means someone was thinking of you, and who doesn’t like a trip down memory lane?

So start there. Think of something you did with the person you want to reconnect with, and let them know you were thinking about it. It could be an assignment you worked on together, volunteer work, a difficult class you struggled through together. The possibilities are endless.

Once you’ve broken the ice, it’s time to ask a question.

Ask about their career goals and look for opportunities to help them reach them. If you can make a connection to someone so they can reach their goal faster, offer to do it.

Ask about any current challenges they’re facing, and offer support, sympathy, or a fresh perspective.

Ask about their family, and how the last few years have affected them.

If you can’t help with their goals or challenges, let them know you will keep an eye out for people who can. Tell them to look through your professional network and offer to make an introduction to anyone they may want to talk to.

Letting others know you are willing to assist them will make them want to do the same for you.

Make A Referral: Give What Has Been Given To You

If you work with EmpowerCare, then you know we strive to be the most convenient, personable, and responsive healthcare staffing service in Massachusetts.

Too many nurses are feeling burned out these days. Working with agencies that don’t fully disclose what they know about assignments, or don’t promptly return phone calls and emails is exhausting.

We can help! Our purpose statement is to improve lives one assignment at a time, through proper care and concern for all.

That “all” includes you. Our Referral Program pays up to $750 for referrals. You don’t even have to currently work with us to take advantage of it.

If you are a healthcare professional and need help finding the right job, or your next assignment, please reach out!

The Direction of Nurses Pay in 2022 and Beyond

Mental health nurse practitioner working remotely

Mental health nurse practitioner working remotely


  • In the peak of the pandemic, travel nurse salary reached up to $10,000/week.
  • As of February 2022 the average travel nurse pay is closer to $3,300/week
  • Pay will always fluctuate with supply and demand, but it’s unlikely for travel nursing rates to fall back to pre-pandemic rates.
  • Remember to look beyond pay when choosing a staffing agency

A Facebook post in a group for Traveling Nurses reads “Only making $3-4k a week?? Why not make $5-8k a week??”.

The nursing industry has definitely fallen on some challenging times. The work has become increasingly difficult, nurses are facing burn out at incredible rates, the debate on fair pay for nurses rages on, and there are even rumors of congressional pay caps.

There’s a lot to cover, but right now let’s focus on the money. 

History Of Pay For Traveling Nurses

Prior to the pandemic, traveling nurses earned about $1,800/week.

The pandemic created a “perfect storm” of an insatiable demand for traveling nurses. We’ll cover that in a moment, but suffice it to say that rates reached an unprecedented high.

During the height of the pandemic (we consider this to be the Delta spike in 2021), salaries for traveling nurses reached $10,000/week for some assignments! Nurses could earn in 2-3 months what previously took a year to earn.

The payoff is those assignments were in places described as a “war zone”.

The average pay has fluctuated throughout the pandemic, but a travel nurse should expect to earn around $3,300/week (as of early 2022), knowing that figure may change a little as time goes on.

Why The Fluctuations In Pay?

Pay for traveling nurses is determined by many things.

For starters, traveling nurses will always earn more than staff nurses because the demands of the job are greater due to the nature of the position.

Traveling nurses have always alleviated staffing shortages in hospitals and facilities that were having a hard time finding nurses to fill their staff positions.

Economics tells us that prices change based on supply and demand. If there are 10 nurses (supply) to fill 50 positions (demand), the pay rate for those nurses is going to get competitive in a hurry. Nurses would almost be able to name their rate (and in 2020 some did)!

In early 2020 there averaged around 8,000 open positions for traveling nurses. By September 2021 that figure grew by 6x to over 48,000 positions. Assignments have decreased to around 32,000 now.

When you track it, the pattern of open assignments follows the pattern for pay.

The Road Back To Normal

As the world gets back to normal (or closer to what we used to call normal), pay is likely to go down. Again, supply and demand.

Many of the staffing shortages were caused by sick nurses who were unable to work because they had Covid, or were caring for loved ones with Covid. Once they get back to work, the number of open assignments will decrease, and thus so will pay.

Although it probably won’t happen quickly or suddenly.

Burnout will most likely slow the nursing industry’s return to normal compared to other industries. When other industries figured out how to get people working remotely, nurses and others in the healthcare industry were in the thick of it.

This has no doubt added to the staffing shortage issue.

The increasing gap between pay for a staff nurse and a travel nurse is also causing some staff nurses to question whether they should quit and take travel assignments instead.

Currently traveling nurses earn 3x more than staffing nurses. This is another issue that goes too deep to fully address here, but is a challenge nonetheless.

Your Goals & What To Look For In A Staffing Agency

If you are looking for a $5,000/week assignment, you might find some. Just know what you’re getting yourself into.

Staffing shortages create chaotic work environments. 

The greater the shortage, the greater the chaos.

The greater the shortage, the greater the pay.

If however you want to earn as much as possible, but realize that you have a specific set of requirements that make an assignment ideal for you—then give us a call.

EmpowerCare stands on three guiding principles. The life-saving acronym of CPR seemed fitting given our mission of resuscitating the life-work balance for the nursing industry.

1. Convenient

We believe your relationship with a staffing agency should be convenient for you, not the staffing agency.

Assignments should be convenient based on your current and future life goals. Maybe higher pay is something you’re after right now, but later this year you’ll want to be closer to family. It’s okay if your requirements change, because we do everything in our power to find you assignments for the right pay, in the right location, with the right people.

Convenience also means working with us is simple. Onboarding is easy, so is submitting time sheets. Since we disclose everything we know about an assignment before you go there, you’ll also be able to choose if you only take assignments that use systems you’re already familiar with.

2. Personable

Too many of our travel nurses tell us they left their previous staffing agency because their recruiter wasn’t personable.

When you speak, we listen. We ask questions to get to know you so we can help you find assignments that are the best fit for you. You are not a cog in the machine, but a human being with dreams and goals that we can help you accomplish.

3. Responsive

You deserve a quick reply if you need something. If you have a question, you deserve an answer. If you have a problem, you deserve a solution.

There really isn’t any reason a traveling nurse should show up for an assignment and be surprised by what they got themselves into.

Not getting responses to emails and phone calls is unacceptable. We already have one of the most responsive teams of recruiters in the industry (you can expect responses between 7am-10pm EST), and are planning to offer an even greater level of support soon.

It’s a winning combination when that support is provided by someone who cares about making life easier for you.

So what will pay look like for traveling nurses in the future? No one can say for certain, but we believe it will be directly linked to the number of available assignments.

The Truth About The Congressional Pay-Caps for Travel Nurses

A group of nurses

Nurses after the pandemic


  • Rumors are speculating that congress proposed a pay cap on traveling nurse salaries
  • This misinformation stemmed from a letter written by congress, wanting to ensure staffing agencies aren’t unfairly profiting by inflating rates they charge hospitals during the pandemic.
  • Congress does not want to impose a pay cap for traveling nurses.

A Story Of Misinformation

Two congressmen, Reps. Peter Welch (D-VT) and Morgan Griffith (R-VA), wrote a letter to the White House’s COVID-19 response team coordinator on January 24, 2022.

They were worried about rumors of staffing agencies taking advantage of the nursing shortage by increasing their rates to provide hospitals with desperately needed traveling nurses during the pandemic.

200 senators from both sides of the aisle signed the letter.

Then confusion hit. Facebook posts started to emerge and cause quite a stir. One post read:

“As of March 2020 the NFL’s minimum salary was $660,000.

The man who tattooed four letters on my wrist charged $80 for 15 minutes of time.

But according to Congress travel nurses need a pay cap.”

The post continued:

If you support the cap, we probably can’t be friends.”

Comments like “according to Congress travel nurses need a pay cap” and “If you support the cap” imply a congressional pay cap is on the table, when in reality, it isn’t.

Misinformation is created when someone wrongly interprets what’s happening. A letter from 200 senators asking for a government official to look into rumors of illegal activity is very different from proposed legislation.

What Was Congress Really Asking About?

To fully answer that question we have to understand how staffing agencies make money.

When a hospital or healthcare facility doesn’t have enough nurses to care for patients, they turn to staffing agencies.

Staffing agencies find and hire nurses who are willing to travel usually for at least 13 weeks at a time.

The traveling nurses’ pay comes from an “hourly bill rate”, which is how much the hospital or facility pays the staffing agency for every hour worked by a traveling nurse.

The nurse’s pay isn’t the only thing that comes out of the bill rate. The staffing agency incurs additional costs, including:

  • Recruiting the traveling nurse
  • Orientation (which is sometimes unpaid by the facility or paid at a fraction of the bill rate)
  • Liability and insurance coverage
  • Credentialing
  • Your licensure reimbursement
  • The VMS/MSPs
  • Medical malpractice lawsuits (which are often fought by the staffing agency, not the hospital)
  • A Nurses Week or Christmas gift from your agency.
  • Your stipends and travel expenses to get to your contract.
  • etc.

Bill rate ≠ Nurse’s Pay

The Bill rate is a combination of three factors: 1) The nurse’s pay 2) The staffing agency’s expenses 3) The staffing agency’s profit.

Are Staffing Agencies Unfairly Profiting From The Pandemic?

Now we can address the real question congress was asking in their original letter:

Should there be a cap on how much profit a staffing agency can make on traveling nurses during the pandemic?

Commenting on the confusion from his letter, Congressman Griffith said:

“The bipartisan letter I sent to the White House asks about potential illegal practices by staffing agencies that charge high rates and then keep that money for themselves, not nurses. Rumors are that middleman staffing agencies keep as much as 40% of the money they charge for nurses instead of giving more of the money to the nurses,

His next remarks are critically important:

“I do not and will not support legislation to cap nurses’ pay. Anything to the contrary is fake news.”

Do you see the twist?

Congress does NOT want to cap nurses’ pay. They want to make sure staffing agencies aren’t illegally lining their pockets off the risks taken by traveling nurses to provide care for patients during a pandemic.

Do Traveling Nurses Need To Worry About A Pay Cap?

In a word: no.

The demand for traveling nurses is not likely going away anytime soon. Some nurses have even commented that a pay cap would cause them to strike, or change careers.

Nobody wants there to be less traveling nurses.

What Congress wants is to ensure traveling nurses aren’t being taken advantage of. At EmpowerCare, we think that’s a good thing!

If you know of a traveling nurse worried about a pay cap, please reassure them not to worry, and share this article with them.

Making the Switch to Overnight Shifts

An exhausted nurse

An exhausted nurse

Without preparation, switching to an overnight position can be very hard for healthcare professionals. The sudden shift can take a toll on both your body and psyche, potentially leading to Shift Work Disorder (SWD), a condition that increases your risk of various health issues for those working overnight. This along with the added stress and change on your body makes it crucial to have a plan in place for tackling this transition. Whether it seems like a night owls dream or a daunting change in lifestyle, you should always have a plan in place to make this switch easier. Here we are going to give you five exciting tips and tricks to tackle overnight shifts.

Create a Routine

This is probably the most important step when making this change. Getting a planner and writing down when your day-to-day plan will help create a routine to stick with. Make sure to carve out time for yourself to relax and get some “me time” in when needed as well. Working night is all about having a routine and having it down, so when you find the routine that works for you, stick with it.

Finding Sleep

Everyone knows how important sleep is, there is no questioning that, but this is especially true in the healthcare world. You need to have the right amount of sleep so you can provide the best care to your patients, yourself, and your family. When you are about to transition, you need to take time in order to plan out when you will get your much needed rest, and everyone is different, so you need to research what approach works best for you and your needs. You also need to be sure that you don’t do a sudden change in your sleeping all at once as that can disrupt your body appetite, and energy.

Restful Sleep

A quality nights sleep is also super important when making the change to nightshift. There are many things that you can do to be sure the rest you do get is restful. Small changes that you can do is invest in a good pair of blackout curtains for the bedroom, put your phone on the do not disturb mode, by a white noise machine, and be sure the people in your life know that your sleeping schedule is changing so they are aware of it as well. Uninterrupted sleep is needed and taking these small steps will make huge improvements in your sleeping.


Staying hydrated during a long night shift keeps you alert and energized. Aim for 8 glasses a day, both at work and throughout the day. Some tips can help you drink more water to combat night shift fatigue. Carry water, set timers, use a straw.

Think Positive

A positive attitude can go a long way and can greatly improve your time working night shifts. There are many benefits that working night shifts provides that you cannot get working the day shift. For example, getting more family time, running errands, or just being able to relax during the day. Always have a positive attitude and it will take you far.

EmpowerCare has the team in place to help you with the change. We are here to help you with any transition needed to get you into the position you’ve been wanting. We would love to help you make this overnight shift change easy and harmless. Call us to find a role that fits your needs with a team that will make it happen for you.

What Job Seekers Need in a Recruiter

An EmpowerCare recruiter

An EmpowerCare recruiter

Job Seekers and Recruiting.

Imagine you decide you want a change in your medical career. Maybe you are looking for new RN jobs near you, or want to try a travel nurse job for a chance of scenery. Then you want to work with a staffing agency to help you find the right position for you and your current needs. Now though, how do you pick the right recruiter for you? There are certain traits you should look for when trying to find the right recruiter for your present and future needs that we will go over now.

Knowledgeable Expert 

Having an expert in the recruiting field is crucial when looking for the right recruiter for you and your needs. You want a recruiter who understands the healthcare industry. They need to know current healthcare trends, current facilities and what openings would work best for you. To have someone on your side who can explain the different types of CNA jobs near you, or the different nursing salaries available at your experience level, is invaluable. You must have confidence in your recruiter to make sure you have everything you need to find your next role.

Personalized and Friendly Attitude 

A positive recruiter attitude is crucial, as they’re not just a recruiter but also your trusted friend. They build a personalized, trustworthy relationship and advocate for you. With a “glass half full” approach, they recommend you for roles that align with your specific needs.

Strong Communication Skills 

The details matter with a recruiter. They need to be able to communicate quickly and efficiently with you, the internal team, and the facilities you could potentially work with. Following up and following through is vital to make sure all the intricate parts are completed on time. Your recruiter needs to take the time needed to make sure you understand the process and to keep you informed every step of the way.

Realistic Expectations 

When it comes to your career, you want someone who listens to your concerns and will not sugarcoat things. They need to be realistic and set goals for the candidates they are working with. This is from the initial contact with the recruiter all throughout the new placement and beyond. They need to have clear foresight and planning all while being able to be proactive.

At EmpowerCare, we trust our recruiters to find our candidates the best fit positions with all the above traits. If you are ready to have a recruiter that you can trust and work with, contact us today.

Visiting Massachusetts in the Fall

Fall foliage over a lake in Massachusetts

Fall foliage over a lake in Massachusetts

Visiting Massachusetts

Fall is my favorite time of year with all its beauty and changing of colors. It’s just magical. Massachusetts is one of the few states that can be explored within a weekend while enjoying everything that the fall season has to offer. From drives to an entire city dedicated to the holiday season, Massachusetts is a must visit state in the fall. EmpowerCare has a few top-rated events you can’t miss we want to share with you in hopes that you too will be visiting Massachusetts soon.

Walking the Freedom Trail 

Take advantage of the cooler temperatures and spend some time walking the Freedom Trail located in downtown Boston. You can explore it on your own or you can book a tour where a guide will educate you about the history of the area as well as the sixteen official sites on the trail.

Food Picking 

No matter where a person is, during the fall picking apples and pumpkins are a staple in the fall season. In Massachusetts, there are lots of fun and unique farms to visit depending on what area of the state you are in. Most places have their own websites showing their schedules and if reservations are required so be sure to explore it before heading out. While traveling to these unique farms, you will get to experience all the fall colors on the scenic drives.

Tangerini Farm in Millis is a great choice for families, they have a restaurant and an ice cream stand. Belkin Lookout Farm in Natick is another one of our favorites, they offer a fabulous, outdoor restaurant with their own beer and hard cider. Another family favorite is Honey Pot Orchards in Stow has the largest edge maze in North America, hayrides, and farm animals.

Visit Salem 

The historic town of Salem is home of the Salem Witch Trials and is a great place to visit in the fall – especially in October. They offer all sorts of spooky and fall related activities including outdoor markets, magic shows, haunted houses, tours, and ghost hunts. So many events are happening you will not get bored during your visit.

While you are in Salem, you can also visit the Peabody Essex Museum, the Salem Witch Museum, the House of the Seven Gables, the Salem Maritime National Historic Site, and more. Salem is my favorite destination in October.

The Mohawk Trail 

This trail is New England’s first official “scenic tourist route”, and it does not disappoint.

It is a 63-mile stretch of road in Western Massachusetts. Along this route, you’ll find beautiful views of the fall foliage, antique shops, state parks, museums, and more. Spend your day driving and taking in all the scenic colors and towns. It is sure to relax you and make your heart feel warm and happy for the season.

Whatever your favorite fall activity is, our small state has it and more. From vibrant foliage to cozy autumn festivals, the options for enjoyment are endless. EmpowerCare offers job opportunities throughout Massachusetts and New England, ensuring you won’t miss any of the season’s beauty, if you choose to come here on a travel nurse job.

Connect with one of our recruiters today to secure your new position before the fall colors peak. Don’t wait – experiencing Massachusetts in the fall should be the top of your bucket list this year!

Why We Don’t Offer 1099 Contracts

Compensation at EmpowerCare

Compensation at EmpowerCare

EmpowerCare gives nurses the power to choose when, where and how often they work, usually right in the palm of their hands by our easy-to-use app. When one of our talented nurses works a CNA job, LPN job or RN job, they are their W-2 hired employee. We have chosen not to offer 1099 options to our healthcare workers and here are 3 main reasons why.

1. 1099 contractors must manage their payroll taxes.

When you choose a staffing agency that does 1099, you’re responsible for managing your payroll taxes throughout the year. That means your weekly/biweekly checks will be bigger in size, but at tax time you will need to pay all the taxes that would usually have been taken out in a lump sum. This could be a problem if you don’t correctly estimate your taxes or if you don’t set money aside for your taxes. Being a W-2 employee, you don’t have to do any of this. Your employer withholds a specified amount, which you determine, from each one of your paychecks to cover your taxes. Making it easier to manager.

2. W-2 employees can have access to company benefits

Being a W-2 employee, you will have access to the company benefits such as health insurance, life insurance and paid time off, as well as your travel nurse salary. These are additional benefits that you can access and use when needed. Having a benefits package, you can fall back on is so important. It shows that the employer is invested in not only you, but your future and happiness as well.

3. W-2 employees are protected

W-2 employees are protected by laws covering minimum wage, workers’ comp, unemployment, and overtime. 1099 contractors must handle their own insurance, meaning there is less protection for you in your RN job.

At EmpowerCare, we prioritize your security and benefits, choosing W-2 over 1099. Join our caring team for the best possible work experience.

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Block Booking

Home care nurse smiling with a patient

Home care nurse smiling with a patient

Full time stability with per diem flexibility

When our CEO founded this company back in 2005 as a Registered Nurse, it was to help nurses combat burnout and get more autonomy in their careers. We understand more than most staffing agencies how fast the industry can change. One significant shift we are seeing right now is the rise of block bookings.

What is block booking? It empowers you to schedule shifts at you preferred facilities as if you were a full-time employee, while still enjoying the flexibility of Per Diem jobs. Essentially it’s the best of both worlds! EmpowerCare is excited to offer block bookings to our healthcare professionals.

More control of your own schedule and time

Being able to take a shift when you want to at different facilities is the amazing benefit of working as a per diem RN. With block booking, you will still be able to do that but you can simplify your life even further by creating a more consistent schedule that you can plan around.

If Christmas is coming up and you need to work more hours than usual, so you can afford to spend the holidays with your loved ones, block booking in your answer!

Have a once in a lifetime vacation happening next month and won’t be working? Pick up extra shifts this month to make up for it!

More consistent income

Now that block booking is being offered at EmpowerCare, you can rest easy knowing that you can have the shifts you need booked and out of the way in advanced, instead of trying to find shifts last minute. There is nothing worse than deciding you want to work one day and seeing that all the open shifts have already been taken by other per diem CNAs or per diem RNs. T

Saved and guaranteed hours

Everyone wants some more free time, right? Block booking can give you just that by being able to provide you saved and guaranteed hours. Gone will be the days that you spend time searching and worrying if you are going to be able to work the right number of hours that you are needing each week. Once block booking is happening, we can guarantee you the hours that you need each week going forward. If you want to be able to use more of your time the way you want to use it while knowing you have the hours you need to work, block booking is right up your alley, and you should make the switch today!

Finding comfort with facilities

One last thing that shouldn’t be overlooked is the opportunity to become a regular face in facilities. This can help you build relationships, get to know your coworkers and patients more, and get to the point where you feel comfortable in the facilities you work in day to day. This helps make the days go by much faster and you get the sense of belonging that might have been missing before while working per diem shifts. Being comfortable where you work can make a huge difference in your day-to-day operations, so try it out for yourself.

Block booking has many benefits for you and your healthcare career, and EmpowerCare is here to help you make the switch. We are educated and have the knowledge needed to help you make the change fast and efficiently, so what are you waiting for? Contact us today and let them know you are looking for block booking shifts to get the ball rolling!

How to Avoid Nurse Burnout

A nurse with a lot of admin work to day

A nurse with a lot of admin work to day

Raise your hand if you have ever had a difficult day at work that causes you to rethink every decision you have ever made. Yes… we have all been there at one point or another. This happens especially in RN jobs as they are the backbone to our intricate healthcare system we have. With everything going on for the past few years, RNs have seen and dealt with some pretty intense situations. They are exhausted, tired, short staffed, and just over worked to say the least. So bad days are bound to happen occasionally. Long hours, lack of support and sleep, and working in a high stress environment are all factors that contribute to what we call nurse burnout. On order to stop this from happening to you, we’re giving you some tips to manage your workload and day to day life to cope with this irritating issue.

Take Care of #1

Number one meaning you. You are the only person who can make sure your mental and physical self is taken care of, so be sure to take time for yourself. I’m sure you have heard this time and time again, but there are simple things you can do to make sure you are taking time for yourself. Exercise, meditate, drink water, are the normal self-care regimens, but you can also pack your own food for work, do a self-care day, and wear compression socks while at work to take for of yourself.

Learn to Say “No”

Nurse burnout can happen when you take on too many responsibilities or feel an obligation to accept every task that is given to them. Most of us are guilty of doing this. Just learn to say “no” to things so you don’t take on more than you can handle.

Work for a Company you Enjoy

You need to be able to enjoy your company that you work for and have a good experience there. If for some reason you are having issues you should address them with your management team or look for a different company all together. Your happiness in your personal and work like matter, so be sure to be your own supporter in your happiness, always.

Seek Professional Help

At EmpowerCare we want you to know that seeking help is one of the bravest things you can do, and it will always put you on the road to recovery the fastest. There are so many different options when it comes to professional help, and you can decide what option works best for you and our needs.

Whatever you need to do to keep the nurse burnout away, make it a priority. RNs are the backbone that we all need in our lives, and we wouldn’t be able to function as a society without you doing what you do best. EmpowerCare can help you find the right facility that can keep you feeling happy and appreciated while providing you the benefits and schedule you need to keep it away or good.

Being Cozy When Travelling

A nurse encouraging you to travel.

A nurse encouraging you to travel.

Travel nurse jobs are all the rage, and we can understand why. You get to see and experience new and exciting things while doing the job you love to do. Travel nursing inevitably involves a lot of actual traveling, which can either be a blessing on a curse depending who you ask! Personally, I love the travel aspect, especially as I have become something of an expert on finding ways to stay cozy on the go. Here, I’ll share a few of my secrets so you can enjoy a more comfortable journey on your next travel nurse job assignment.

Dress Comfy

Cotton and layers will be your best friend when it comes to traveling. Cotton is a soft and breathable fabric that keep you cozy and can help you stay relaxed on those long flights or drives. As for layers, these will allow you to increase or decrease the amount of clothing layers you have on depending on the temperature you are dealing with. Nothing is worse than sitting on a three hour flight freezing. A few other tips for comfort would be compression socks if you are prone to swelling and also one of those much needed travel pillows. All of these things will make your traveling a breeze!

Snacks and Hydration

I always overpack snacks when I am traveling, especially on airplanes. Something about being stuck somewhere for a certain amount of time makes me want to snack hardcore. Eating healthy snacks such as nuts, bars, trail mix, popcorn, fruits, and veggies are all great ideas. Try to avoid salty snacks as they tend to make you thirstier and also try to avoid super crunchy foods if at all possible. No one wants to hear a random person crunch down over and over again. Water is simple, stay hydrated and keep a reusable bottle with you at all times so you can easily refill when needed. I don’t know about you, but I absolutely hate feeling thirsty and try to avoid it at all costs.


Did you know that you can get sore after sitting for too long? To decrease muscle soreness, you should really move around and stretch your muscles as often as possible. If you find some time to walk around, even for a minute, it will help in a big way.

Bring Things you Enjoy

Time flies when you’re having fun! Bring items you genuinely enjoy and your travel time will feel like a breeze. I always bring a book that I can enjoy, my phone loaded up with new music, and a show or two downloaded on my phone. This way I am giving myself options in what I want to do, but all of them are things I really like to do so win win win.

Buy Boujee Items

Sometimes, it’s okay to be a little extra. When it comes to my travel set up, I am usually the most extra. Invest in some items that can take your traveling experience to the next level. Here are just a few items that you could purchase hat have worked wonders for me.

  • Noise cancelling headphones
  • Face mask
  • Portable battery for phone
  • Travel packing cubes (game changer)
  • Phone holder for hands free holding
  • Foot hammock for air travel

I hope this helps make your next travel assignment easier and more enjoyable. I know personally that after I started making these changes in my travel routine, it increased my love for travel that much more. There is no reason why you should hate the idea of traveling, and these easy tips will help you on your adventure.